How To Find Every Archangel In Cassette Beasts
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How To Find Every Archangel In Cassette Beasts

Aug 08, 2023

Here's where to find the strongest foes you can face in Cassette Beasts.

As you explore the vibrant world of Cassette Beasts, you'll encounter a mysterious yet powerful race of eldritch monsters known as Archangels. Each of these beings possesses unique abilities and strengths that make them formidable foes that essentially serve as the game's boss fights.

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While fighting them all isn't required to beat Cassette Beasts and unlock the final ending, doing so can reveal some interesting rewards and bits of lore. As such, it may be worth it to seek out every Archangel during and after the story. If you’re up to the challenge, make your way to the following Archangel locations and prepare for battle.

Morgante is the first Archangel you encounter in Cassette Beasts and can be found in a wounded state at the Harbourtown Station during the "This Is The World We Live In" questline. She appears as a black-and-white creature resembling a woman wearing a floating dress.

Due to her weakened state, your first battle with this Archangel is relatively easy, less so the second one. Morgante later appears a third time at Night's Bridge Station as Morgante Gestalt, an alternate form that gets summoned once you and your teammates all merge into one.

Next up is Mourningstar, an Archangel comprised of several unique body parts resembling a golden skull, a man's torso, a set of bird wings, a pair of ram horns, a black and white snake, and several yellow spikes for legs.

You can find this bizarre amalgamation buried beneath Mourningtown during the "I Ran So Far Away" questline while having Kayleigh in your party. Known to feed on the devotion of others, Mourningstar is one of the toughest Archangels and relies on ranged attacks for most of the battle.

One of the creepier Archangels in Cassette Beasts, Poppetox's physical appearance resembles that of a Claymation skeleton donning a black top hat with matching black shorts and shoes. This design is meant to mimic puppetry as in the game Poppetox is birthed by society's desire to create simulacra of itself.

Poppetox's love for puppets carries over to combat, with it spawning several minions called Effigies to act as fodder and absorb damage during the fight. To trigger this Archangel encounter, make your way to Platform B at the Glowcester Road Station.

Moving along, the next Archangel waiting to be challenged is Nowhere Monarch, a self-proclaimed "ruler of nothing" rendered in a graphic novel art style with black and white striped arms, black nails, a red torso, and a crown atop its head.

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To locate this reluctant ruler, head over to the Falldown Mall during Meredith's "All I Ever Needed" questline. During the fight, Nowhere Monarch will continually spawn Nowhere Peasants, which cannot be defeated. Once its AP bar is full, the Archangel will activate Bomb Voyage, causing them all to explode.

Shining Kuneko is an Astral-type species that takes on the appearance of a glowing anime cat-girl based on party member Felix's childhood drawing. As such, she can only be summoned by completing Felix's personal quest "Don't You Want Me," which requires you to battle Kuneko at her four altars.

These can be completed in any order and are located at Cherry Meadow, Autumn Hill, Thirstaton Lake, and Eastham Woods. After beating the fourth shrine, the Archangel Shining Kuneko will reveal herself and challenge you to a battle.

Heavily based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Alice is a powerful Archangel that takes on the form of a twisted card illustration. She can be found ruling over the Cherry Cross Station where she frequently hosts tea parties for all her "guests."

During your battle with her, Alice will continually grow and shrink using Eat Me and Drink Me, altering her stats to make her harder to hit but also frailer. In this sense, she functions as a glass cannon boss capable of dealing massive damage while being quite vulnerable herself.

Another Archangel adapted from literature, Robin Goodfellow shares the same name as a character in William Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. His physical appearance resembles that of a goblin-like horse creature rendered in watercolor and seen clutching a book in his right arm.

To summon him to battle, you’ll need to navigate towards the Bard Street Station during Viola's "Everybody's Looking For Something" questline. Staying true to his trickster nature, Robin's tactical approach relies heavily on status effects, particularly Sleep, through the use of Fairy Dust and Night Mare.

Operating as the head of the Landkeepers agency looking to buy up all the land in New Wirral, Mammon is the physical embodiment of capitalism. This leads him to take on the form of a colorful collage face that's constantly rearranging itself.

Rather than hiding out in the stations of New Wirral, Mammon sits comfortably in his high-rise concrete hold at Landkeeper HQ during Eugene's "Acting On Your Best Behaviour" quest. Like Robin, he leverages status effect moves as well as buffs and debuffs, often sacrificing his own health to damage your party.

Babelith is another Archangel in Cassette Beasts that can be found lying dormant inside the Icelington Station at the top of Mt. Wirral. Meant to be the incarnation of ignorance, it's depicted as a crude drawing of a tower and revels in telling bad jokes that come across as incoherent ramblings.

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This carries over to combat, with Babelith leveraging its signature move Bad Joke nearly every turn. Other notable moves include False Illumination, which spreads Confused to its target, and True Illumination, a hard-hitting single-target attack.

Meant to represent the human fear of death, Lamento Mori is an Archangel that sets up shop within the Aldgrave Tomb Station. Taking on the appearance of a towering skeleton with wings, it receives sadistic pleasure from trapping victims in its endless maze.

Despite its dark backstory, Lamento Mori is actually one of the weaker Archangels in the game, with a moveset consisting of mostly death-related attacks such as Bone Cannon and Ritual. This makes a lot of sense considering it was the first boss added during Cassette Beasts’ development.

What could be more terrifying than death? Math, or at least that's the thinking behind Heckahedron, the Archangel incarnation of Mathematics that can be found within the Waterloop Station after solving the Thirstaton Lake puzzle.

Appearing as a flying and ever-shifting cube, this monster regards itself as 4D space perfected. To this point, its body is cardinally fixed to look the exact same regardless of whichever angle it's viewed from. During battle, Heckahedron relies on moves like Brick Blast, Damage Roll, and Frustum Cull to deal heavy damage.

Serving as both the main antagonist of Cassette Beasts’ story as well as the final boss of the game, Aleph is a powerful Archangel that takes on the form of a man in a dapper red coat and cane with a floating triangle mirror for a head.

He can be found and battled at the Night's Bridge Station, during which he’ll use Prismatic to change his type before following up with Death By 1,000 Cuts. Once defeated, Aleph will return as Aleph Null, the combined form of Aleph and his Archangel allies.

Housed within the Power Station, Helia is a post-game Archangel that can be encountered after defeating Aleph Null and accepting the "Here Comes The Sun" quest. Billed as the incarnation of both nuclear and monster fusion, she appears as a mix of a throne, an atom, and the Sun itself.

This is cleverly reflected by Helia's movepool consisting of elemental attacks like Galactic Beatdown, Incinerate, Meteor Barrage, and Shooting Star. However, her ace in the hole is Fusion Power, a typeless move with an impressive 200 base power.

Lenna is the final Archangel and secret boss of Cassette Beasts and can be fought directly in the overworld at Brokenhead after completing the main story. Her inclusion in the game is a reference to Bytten Studio's previous title, Lenna's Inception, in which she appears as the main protagonist.

Her two special moves are Power of Truth, which deals heavy damage across your entire party, and Whistle for Help, which has a chance of summoning a temporary ally. Successfully defeating Lenna earns you the "Hero of Another Story" achievement.

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Justin is a List Writer at TheGamer and has been obsessed with video games ever since he got a copy of Pokemon Blue with his Game Boy Color. Since then, he's had the opportunity to write about gaming both as a hobby and professionally for various blogs and YouTube channels. While still a Nintendo fan and Splatoon-certified "Squid Kid" at heart, he also enjoys checking out indie platformers, shooters, and puzzle games any chance he gets. You can always find him browsing the latest Steam sale for something new to add to his ever-growing backlog.

THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT Harbourtown Station buried beneath Mourningtown make your way to Platform B at the Glowcester Road Station Falldown Mall completing Felix's personal quest Cherry Meadow, Autumn Hill, Thirstaton Lake, and Eastham Woods Cherry Cross Station Bard Street Station Landkeeper HQ Icelington Station Aldgrave Tomb Station Waterloop Station Night's Bridge Station Power Station Brokenhead