Stepped on a nail: What to do and when to see a doctor
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Stepped on a nail: What to do and when to see a doctor

Apr 29, 2023

Stepping on a nail is a common injury that causes a puncture wound, often in the shape of a round hole. Puncture wounds can look small, but as they can penetrate deep into the skin, they can be difficult to clean and pose a risk for infection.

Initially, a puncture wound may not look serious, as they often bleed more internally than externally. However, as nails on the ground are often dirty, they can push soil, rust, wood, or clothing fibers into the foot.

In this article, we discuss how to carry out first aid for this injury, when to seek medical help, if a rusty nail causes tetanus, and how to recover at home.

If someone steps on a nail, they should take the following steps to clean and dress the wound:

Once a person has dressed the wound, they should seek medical care and not put weight on the foot.

The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons suggest that people seek medical help within 24 hours after they step on a nail.

Stepping on a nail can push debris and bacteria into the foot. Even if a person cleans the wound thoroughly at home, or the wound looks small, there is still a risk of infection.

Clinicians estimate that 10% of people who step on a nail will develop an infection. Signs of an infection include:

A person should not wait until these symptoms develop to seek medical help. The best way to prevent an infection is early treatment. This may mean a visit to the hospital.

Rusty nails do not cause tetanus themselves, but they often occupy dirty or dusty areas that harbor Clostridium tetani, the bacteria that cause tetanus. Stepping on a nail can spread this bacteria to humans.

Wounds are the most common way people get tetanus. However, widespread vaccination has reduced tetanus infection in the United States by 99% since 1947, according to the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services.

The tetanus vaccine protects people against tetanus and diphtheria. Some versions of the vaccine also protect against pertussis, or whooping cough. Immunity from the vaccine lasts around 10 years.

All of these conditions are potentially serious. Tetanus can be fatal in two people out of every 10 who get it.

If a person who steps on a nail has not had a tetanus vaccination in the last 5 years, they should see a doctor right away so they can get a top-up.

Symptoms of a tetanus infection include:

Someone may not develop tetanus symptoms for up to 60 days after an injury. If someone has these symptoms after they step on a nail, they should dial the emergency number 911.

Learn more about tetanus.

Most puncture wounds are minor and heal with no further issues. However, if a wound is deep, has ragged edges, or contains a foreign object, it is more likely to develop complications. These can include:

Osteomyelitis develops slowly, and may take days or months to appear. Around 1–2% of people with a foot puncture wound go on to develop this condition.

Many other types of infection can also occur if a person steps on a nail, including Pseudomonas, which often lives on rubber-soled shoes. Early treatment from a doctor or foot specialist is the best way to avoid these complications.

After someone receives medical treatment for stepping on a nail, they can recover at home. Recovery time will depend on several factors, such as how deep the wound is. A person can aid their recovery by:

If a doctor prescribes antibiotics, it is important to finish the course, even if the wound feels or looks better. Seek medical help if the wound does not improve, pain does not completely subside, or symptoms get worse.

Stepping on a nail causes a puncture wound, which often looks like a small hole in the foot. It may not bleed as much as a cut, but due to the risk of infection, this type of wound often requires medical attention.

A person can reduce the risk of complications with first aid. They should seek prompt medical care, and keep the wound clean. A person may also need a tetanus vaccine if they have not had one in the last 5 years.

If a person's wound does not heal, continues to hurt, or shows signs of infection, they should seek further medical attention.