COLUMN: The gift of time
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COLUMN: The gift of time

Sep 14, 2023

Angie Matthiessen

A one-year anniversary is cause for reflection, commemoration, celebration and, of course, gifts. The modern recommended gift for a first anniversary is a clock. This gift of time is intended to represent eternal love between the couple.

Earlier this month, HCA Florida Fawcett Hospital celebrated its one-year anniversary under the HCA Florida Healthcare umbrella by participating in "We Show Up Week." Alexandria Benjamin, communications and community engagement director, reached out to me ahead of time for help in connecting with a volunteer project or two.

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For more information about United Way of Charlotte County's mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty, please contact Angie Matthiessen, executive director. She can be reached at [email protected].

For more information about United Way of Charlotte County's mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty, please contact Angie Matthiessen, executive director. She can be reached at [email protected].

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