Drivers said on two separate occasions, someone dropped nails all over their road, now they're paying the price
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Drivers said on two separate occasions, someone dropped nails all over their road, now they're paying the price

Aug 27, 2023

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Drivers in York County say it is the final nail in the coffin.

People living on Wildey Road said they're running into problems on their street. They said someone is leaving roofing nails in the middle of the road, and there are some sharp consequences.

Several drivers said they're finding the nails in their tires, after one woman posted about the find over the weekend.

One driver wrote, "Our vehicles have picked up these nails as well over the past month."

Raven French says her mom had to replace two of her tires. They live on Wildey Road.

"She was frustrated because she didn't realize it until she had to get up for work, so she missed work because of it," French said. "I know I barely dodged them I got home an hour after they were cleaned up."

Drivers say the first time the roofing nails popped up on their street was back in December. They found them again this past weekend in the exact same spot.

"The second time I said wow it is intentional and not an accident," French said.

The same woman who posted on Facebook this week, posted back in December as well.

Another driver thanked her, adding, "That's how I knew my tire was flat."

One man who didn't want to go on camera said both times, he and another neighbor picked up the nails.

The York-Poquoson Sheriff's Office confirmed they do have an officer's report that this is the second-time people found nails on the road.

Many like French are now trying to find out who's responsible. For now, they've got their eyes wide open.

"It's pointless, you're affecting other people," French said.