Flood waters receding from State Road 70 in Arcadia
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Flood waters receding from State Road 70 in Arcadia

Sep 17, 2023

ARCADIA — The flooded Peace River is starting to clear a section of State Road 70 in Arcadia that's been blocked off since Hurricane Ian last week.

The highway, a major artery for traffic in and out of DeSoto County, has been unusable for days, cutting off access for west county residents.

Flooding on State Road 70 along the Peace River in DeSoto County is starting to descend. Utility and emergency trucks are now allowed access but the road remains closed to regular traffic.

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DeSoto Sheriff James F. Potter

A graphic provided by the National Weather Service showing the flood level for Peace River in Arcadia.

Cecil and Carey Brown outside Morgan Park in Arcadia Tuesday. The park remains flooded stretching along the Peace River. The two decided to check out the historic Peace River bridge Tuesday. The bridge connects Morgan Park to the DeSoto Veterans Memorial Park, which also remained flooded.

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