Made us look! Meghan Trainor is expecting baby No. 2 this summer
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Made us look! Meghan Trainor is expecting baby No. 2 this summer

Sep 20, 2023

Daryl Sabara and Meghan Trainor attend City Of Hope Spirit Of Life Gala 2019 on Oct. 10, 2019, in Santa Monica, California. They are expecting their second child this summer.

Get those Guccis and Louis Vuittons in maternity sizes because "Made You Look" singer Meghan Trainor and her husband, Daryl Sabara, are expecting their second child.

The pregnant Grammy winner and "Spy Kids" actor announced the news Monday in a virtual appearance on NBC's "Today" show — and later on Instagram and TikTok — confirming that the newest addition to their family will arrive in the summer. Trainor shared images of her ultrasound on the show and in the first pages of her pregnancy book, "Dear Future Mama," which is due in April.

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