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Sep 11, 2023

Jennifer DeKock from Wheatfield, Ind., with a fun-size snook in South Gulf Cove. You know what matters a lot more than the size of your fish? The size of the smile it puts on your face.

Our waters are clear emerald green and looking much better this week. While waters are clean for the moment, there's no way to know if the red tide mess is over. I’m grateful for a break anyway.

Spring fishing is alive right now. Migratory fish are moving along our Gulf Coast waters. Minnows and fish are coming to life in most places. Lemon Bay is still not fishy yet but improving. Glass minnows are here, and that's a forward step. Snook are finally open along with trout and redfish; take advantage of this while you can.

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Capt. Van Hubbard is a highly respected outdoor writer and fishing guide. He has been a professional USCG-licensed year-round guide since 1976, and has been fishing the Southwest Florida coast since 1981. Contact him at 941-468-4017 or [email protected].

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