Lobster Reuben: A deli favorite with a Florida Cracker seafood twist
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Lobster Reuben: A deli favorite with a Florida Cracker seafood twist

Apr 30, 2023

This Reuben sandwich features a couple of Florida Cracker twists: Lobster instead of corned beef, and cole slaw instead of sauerkraut.

I was sitting on the dock at Whidden's Marina in Boca Grande a couple years back, talking to the family that owns the place. I told one of them that I had to go because I had to get a column done before deadline, and I needed to come up with a good Florida lobster recipe.

One of the sisters, Kacy Cheske, suggested a lobster Reuben sandwich. Wait … what? Hang on a minute. That is a great idea. I have cooked for years and always known that lobster is good drowned in butter and garlic, but the idea of some Thousand Island dressing, slaw, bread and cheese with lobster — that's what I’m talking ‘bout, Willis.

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Chef Tim Spain is a Florida native and has years of experience cooking professionally, both in restaurants and in private settings. He offers private catering and personal culinary classes. For more info, visit ChefTimSpain.com or call 406-580-1994.

2 4-oz Florida lobster tails

2 egg-washed whole wheat buns

2 slices cheese (not American)

1 oz Thousand Island dressing

2 oz coleslaw

Boil lobster until done then remove the shell and slice into medallions. Slice bread and open, then top with cheese. In a toaster oven or under a broiler, toast the bread for two minutes or until cheese melts. Top the bread with the lobster, slaw and dressing. Serves 2.

— Recipe by Chef Tim Spain, ChefTimSpain.com

Mini season: July 27 - 28, 2022 (last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday of July each year)

Regular season: Aug. 6, 2022 - March 31, 2023

Daily bag limit (mini season only): 6 per person for Monroe County and Biscayne National Park; 12 per person for rest of Florida

Daily bag limit (regular season): 6 per person

Possession limit on the water: Equal to the daily bag limit

Possession limit off the water (mini season only): Equal to the daily bag limit on the first day and double the daily bag limit on the second day

Minimum Size Limit: Carapace must be larger than 3 inches, measured in the water. Possession and use of a measuring device required at all times. (Learn how to measure a spiny lobster at https://bit.ly/3xCkYSV.)

A saltwater fishing license and a lobster permit are required for each harvester, unless the harvester is exempt (see https://bit.ly/3zdeN2k for exemptions).

Lobster must be landed in whole condition. Separating the tail from the body is prohibited in state waters.

Harvest of lobster is prohibited in John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park during the sport season and in Everglades National Park, Dry Tortugas National Park, no-take areas in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, in the Biscayne Bay/Card Sound Lobster Sanctuary, and in the five Coral Reef Protection Areas in Biscayne National Park. Night diving is prohibited in Monroe County during the mini season. Diving is defined as swimming at or below the surface of the water.

For full lobster rules, go to https://bit.ly/3PAQ652.

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