I Got My Nails Done in Japan — It Was Way Better Than Manicures in US
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I Got My Nails Done in Japan — It Was Way Better Than Manicures in US

Jul 19, 2023

In May 2022, my family of three moved from the US to Japan.

My husband, an officer in the Marine Corps, received orders to relocate from North Carolina to Okinawa, one of Japan's 47 prefectures that's home to over 18,000 Marines and sailors.

Okinawa Island, the largest of the prefecture's more than 150 islands, is sometimes referred to as the "Hawaii of Japan." It's located about 400 miles south of the mainland.

After getting settled, I decided to carve out some time for relaxation. My friend raved about Cocok Spa, a local salon. So, I made an appointment for a pedicure and can confirm that the hype is justified.

Cocok is very popular among locals and expats, so I made an appointment on the salon website ahead of time.

I don't speak Japanese, but the language barrier wasn't an issue at all. The spa has a lot of American clients, so there are English translations on its website, signs, and iPads. There were also English-speaking employees at the front desk to answer my questions.

When I arrived, I checked in on an iPad and did a quick temperature check, part of the spa's COVID-19 safety protocol.

The salon didn't require clients to wear masks, but I kept mine on the entire time, as did all of the employees.

In the waiting area, I grabbed a complimentary snack. The price of each spa service includes access to an ice cream machine and a beverage bar filled with soda, coffee, and tea.

I wouldn't have minded sipping on my pineapple soda and enjoying my ice cream for a little longer, but I wasn't in the waiting area for long. It felt like the staff respected my time as much as their own.

A staff member took me to my seat right on time, and I didn't once worry about a walk-in taking my slot, which has happened to me in the US.

Since moving to Japan, I've come to really admire the emphasis the culture places on cleanliness. I especially appreciate it when I step into a salon, which can be a hotbed for bacteria.

At Cocok, the floor looked extremely clean, the stations were well-organized, and the tools were regularly switched out.

The staff's dedication to keeping the space hygienic seemed evident. Between every appointment, I watched them clean the used chair by wiping it down from top to bottom.

I was very impressed by the salon's effort to accommodate parents. There was a designated kids' area, along with a child-friendly pedicure on the spa menu.

I didn't bring my child to my appointment, but she would've been entertained if I had.

Before coming to Cocok, I'd never gotten a pedicure in a reclining chair. Now, I'm dreading the return to massage chairs in the US that poke, prod, wiggle, and jiggle my back.

Once I was comfortable in the cushioned seat, the staff offered me a blanket to keep warm and protect my clothes from the massage oil.

Each pedicure station came equipped with its own iPad that displayed all of the salon's design options. I get a little anxious and indecisive when it comes to making decisions at the spa, so this setup was perfect for me.

I didn't have to wait for the person next to me to finish using the plastic ring of polish samples and then rush my decision. Having my own iPad allowed me to take all the time I needed.

Before beginning the pedicure, Aika, my nail technician, handed me a separate paper menu. It detailed different pedicures that used oils and massage techniques to target specific needs.

For example, the menu says the Woody pedicure reduces stress and boosts mood, and it markets the Citrus pedicure as being good for circulation. I chose the Floral pedicure, which the menu says eases menstrual and premenstrual pain and stress.

I'm not totally sure of the reasoning behind each offering or if the type of pedicure I chose did anything to ease my stress or pain, but it sure smelled great.

Aika placed my feet in a separate tub to soak. I preferred this setup to the traditional pedicure chair, which has a built-in soaking station.

The clean bucket felt a lot more hygienic, as pedicure chairs can have all sorts of bacteria and lead to skin infections if they aren't properly cleaned.

I was already impressed by the complimentary snacks and drink bar, so I didn't expect there to also be a full-service food shack in front of the spa as well.

Customers could order burgers, burritos, chicken-cutlet curry, and more for prices ranging from $5 to $11.

The meals on the menu were cooked in a shack outside the spa called Burrito Box.

Clients could have their food delivered directly to them during their treatment, or they could eat outside in the sun afterward their session ended.

I didn't order anything, but from what I could tell, the Burrito Box dishes looked and smelled delicious.

The entire pedicure took 90 minutes, the majority of which was spent on the massage.

I'm on my feet all day chasing around my toddler and exploring the island, so I have a lot of tension in my calves and ankles. Luckily, Aika really worked my feet, shins, and calves.

In my experience, customer service is taken extremely seriously in Japan. People in the service industry tend to go above and beyond to make sure their customers are comfortable and satisfied.

The atmosphere was very professional, and the staff gave plenty of attention to each client. I never felt like a burden, nor was I rushed through my appointment.

The final step was the polish and nail art, both of which were included in the overall pedicure price.

I usually keep my toes painted one plain color, but I decided to go with something more intricate. I chose a pattern inspired by Japan's famous cherry blossoms, which bloom from March to April.

Aika spent around 20 to 30 minutes applying the polish and drawing the design with little brushes. I was so comfortable in the reclining chair that I barely noticed I was getting my nails painted at all.

When my pedicure ended, it was time to lift myself from the chair. Aika helped slip on my shoes, which, of course, she'd kindly helped remove at the beginning.

I took my ticket and checked out at the front.

I'd booked my appointment on the spa's user-friendly website, so all I had to do was confirm that I was OK with the card on file being charged. The system added a stamp to my rewards booklet that went towards a future discount.

There was also an English-speaking employee at the front desk who asked about my experience and answered my questions.

The grand total for my pedicure came out to ¥5,500, which converts to around $40. It was a fair price, especially considering that the pedicure should last for two to three weeks.

Tipping isn't customary in Japan, and sometimes it can even be considered offensive.

So, I only tip when a place explicitly states that tips are accepted. This specific salon caters to a lot of American clientele, so I knew tipping was a common gesture. I added 20% to the bill.

I've visited salons across the eight American states where I've lived, and none of them have come close to matching the experience I had in Okinawa.

In the US, I was hesitant to speak up because I worried the nail tech would sigh or roll their eyes at my request. Many times, my services felt very rushed.

Cocok had an entirely different environment. There was no pain, no tickling, and no stress involved with my pedicure. It was pure relaxation from the time I walked through the doors.

When I return to America and sit in a pedicure chair that kneads my back, I'll long for Japan, where I could sit lay back in my reclining chair and sip on a free pineapple soda.

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