Is Cancer Treatment Affecting Your Skin and Nails?
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Is Cancer Treatment Affecting Your Skin and Nails?

Nov 18, 2023

As if battling cancer isn't life-altering enough, undergoing cancer treatments can sometimes take a toll on your appearance, too. Certain cancer therapies, like chemotherapy and radiation, can dry out your skin and cause your nails to become ridged and brittle.

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"However, a few simple changes in your personal hygiene routine can limit the damage and make you feel less self-conscious about your appearance," says licensed aesthetician Michele Taylor.

If you or someone you love is undergoing cancer treatment, follow Taylor's do's and don'ts for skin and nail care, below.

If you’re undergoing chemotherapy, dry skin is inevitable. And radiation therapy can often cause radiation dermatitis, which can trigger a rash, flaking and peeling skin or blisters at the treatment site.

Beyond their appearance, these skin changes can lead to other complications. Dry skin gets itchy, and excessive scratching may create wounds that put you at risk for infection. To care for your skin during chemotherapy or radiation treatments, Taylor recommends the following:

Chemotherapy sometimes affects your fingernails and toenails, which can develop lines and ridges. The nail beds can turn brown or black, and nails may even fall off. To care for your nails during chemotherapy, Taylor recommends the following:

The side effects of cancer treatment can sometimes pose additional challenges for you or your loved ones. "Following these practical tips can lessen their impact on your skin and nails and have you feeling more confident about yourself," says Taylor.

Hydrate well. Block the sun. Moisturize often. Be smart about baths. Exfoliate with care. Trim nails often. Avoid nail salons. Protect your hands. Seek help if needed.